A year ago our position looked forlorn, and well nigh desperate to all eyes but our own. To-day we may say aloud before an awe-struck world: "We are still masters of our fate. We are still captain of our souls." - Churchill.
Why doesnt America DO something?
Published on July 7, 2004 By Sam Edney In Current Events
Over the last few years I have chatted with several people from Israel (mostly on ICQ - though I don't use it anymore) about the conflict there with Palestine.

Most of the Israelis I have talked with have said that it isnt a big problem for them. I'm never sure weather it is because they live in the north (which most of them do) and it doesn't affect them so much, or if the Israeli media don't show what is happening on the ground, or if they are just in denial or even if they support what Israel do in the name of defense.

I have recently taken to being very cynical when it comes to the way the situation is portrayed in our media here, and am constantly confused as to who might really be "to blame" and weather either sides position may be justified. I feel that the British media is still fairly trustworthy, but as I have no other choice but to take in what I see and read, its frustrating not to have any idea as to what is really happening.

I am beginning to wonder whether Israel might just be a political / military extension to the United States. What with all the funding (loans of something like $3bn+ of US tax payers money annually which is never repaid) they receive, and with the recent "liberation" of Iraq, which has no doubt weakened the rest of the Middle East (including Syria, another long time enemy of Israel); it would seem that Israel has benefited from Gulf war II much more than the coalition.

This all sounds WAY too "conspiracy theory" for me, but the more I think about it, the more it makes sense.

Surely knowing that Israel actually HAS nuclear weapons is the most obvious threat in the middle east right now? Blocking the US finance to Israel would surely be a good move to start? Get them to decommission maybe?

I understand that Israel has many Jewish immigrants, many coming from the former Soviet Union, which it needs to provide for, but this type of aid is unheard of elsewhere. Especially seeing as that Israel ranks somewhere between 16 and 25 in the wealthiest countries in the world list - a per capita income higher than Greece or Spain, depending on where you get your information.

Is it likely that Bush (who expresses his faith openly), might actually be assisting Israel rather than spreading democracy, stability, peace, oil, money or regime change in the Middle East? I suppose it could be a case of "killing two birds with one stone".

I am still VERY naive about the subject, and I in no way condone the actions of Palestinian suicide bombers. Death of innocents is always wrong. I feel that they are their own enemy anyway, and provide Israel with reasoning for what they do.

I would genuinely like to hear anyones thoughts on what the world can do to get things back on track - not that I can really do anything to help.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jul 07, 2004
Surely, if Israel just gave back the land it seized in the 1967 war, it would get in return peace with its neighbors?

Also, with regards to other countries getting aid from the US:

According to the American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise (AICE), from 1949-2001 the U.S. has given Israel a total of $94,966,300,000. The direct and indirect aid from this year should put the total U.S. aid to Israel since 1949 at over one hundred billion dollars. What is not widely known, however, is that most of this aid violates American laws. The Arms Export Control Act stipulates that US-supplied weapons be used only for "legitimate self-defense."
======================= Source = http://www.wrmea.com/html/usaidtoisrael0001.htm

Egypt isnt spending a large sum of its money on offence (unless thats another thing I dont know about!)
on Jul 07, 2004
Surely, if Israel just gave back the land it seized in the 1967 war, it would get in return peace with its neighbors?

The Arabs do not believe that Israel has a right to exist. Giving back land would only bolster there Arab neighbors cause and give them confidence to push for extermination of the Jewish state.

Referring to the "Six day War" in 1967 is funny because the Arab states surrounding Israel were so overconfident and they actually lost land (Golan Heights, West Bank & Gaza strip) instead of taking Israel's land. According to history when you lose your land in War it's lost forever (with a few exceptions). The Palestinians should move on and make the most out of what they have left, they could in the end lose it all.
on Jul 07, 2004
"I do however feel that it is Israel who has to make the first move, as the greater power (mostly thanks to US aid) it needs to kick start the peace process again."

Time and again Israel has attended "peace" conferences, and as I said terrorists pick those exact times to attack. I feel sorry for the Palestinian people, I really do, but at this point no amount of "detante" is going to change anything. The utter destruction of these terrorist organizations is the only way to ensure that Israel is left in peace. If neighboring nations support and house them, then the neighboring nations should face destruction.

I'll say it again. Left to itself, Israel would be attacking NO ONE. Even as it stands, Israel has shown great restraint at being constanly harrowed by its neighbors. Now that the world as a whole is concerned with terrorism, instead of turning a blind eye to it as they did for the decades that it was an "Israeli" problem, now we can start to dissect these organizations from the top down.

Palestinians and their terrorist handlers have spit opportunity after opportunity back into Israel's face. The time may soon come that there are no more opportunities. If a nation is living peacefully, even after years of constant provocation, I believe they are owed a lot of credit for what peace there is.

Militant, fundamentalist Islam is much of the problem. I would suggest reading the "Islam a peaceful religion??" discussion. The conflict with Israel has a great deal to do with the fact that even mainstream Islam in the Middle East refuses to accept the idea that Isreal has a right to exist.

on Jul 07, 2004
Bakerstreet........it's funny because i'm not sure if I like you or dislike you. I'm not sure what side of the arguement your on sometimes I think you agree with me and sometimes i'm not sure...........But I guess that's why blogging is fun
on Jul 07, 2004
I'm pretty honestly conflicted, lol. If I had been alive after WW2, I would have not been in favor of the creation of Israel. Well, I would have at least been at odds with the terms of its creation.

As it stands now, though, 3 generations of people have been born in Israel. These are now "indigenous" Israelis, with as much right to be there as my daughter has to live here in what was once Cherokee land. I don't think you can even ponder the issue of whether Israel should exist, and yet the people that Israel are forced to sit down with have openly stated the destruction of their nation as their chief aim.

To me, you simply can't make peace with these people. They don't want peace, it isn't in their interest. I think the average Palestinian wants peace, and their hands are tied. Perhaps it isn't possible for the Palestinians to sit down with someone like Sharon, either.

It is always going to come back to the fact that Israel is attacked, Israel retaliates. You can't expect them not to, and they aren't "allowed" to attack Syria and Iran and all the other nations that really pull the strings behind the scenes. It is a sad, sad situation, and at its roots lies the hateful tone of fundamentalist Islam as it relates to Israel.

Once people are ready for coextistance, they'll accept it. I am just afraid that it is going to take something on a more global scale to cut the strings of all these Palestinian puppets. When Israel is no longer attacked, then people can address the plight of the Palestinian people. Until then, the issue is terrorism.

on Jul 07, 2004

Hi Sam

I more or less agree with what you feel. But somehow in all this political landscape of East vs West. Big vs Small. We "humans" have lost somewhere.

The bottom line is that
"Irrespective of color, race, ethnicity , beliefs, status EACH AND EVERY HUMAN BEING HAS GOT THE RIGHT TO LIVE IN PEACE and WITH DIGNITY" . And this right is same for any American, Indian, Iraqi, Israeli.

There are tonnes of faiths in the world. But instead of revelling in the diversity , we bleed and kill each other. Even god would be ashamed of us. In the name of security,politics we kill each other. Why?

If we really want to make a difference

Let us spread hope
Let us give smile
and above all

Let us grow love


PS- my thoughts are in disarray, and grammar ( pathetic ). Kindly bear. I hope i was able to share as what i want to.
on Jul 08, 2004
Sam....You seem like a very bright person. Yes, there is a conflict in our country and yes it is sparked way to often by interference from other countries, especially the United States. They continue to give "loans" to the state of Israel and expect the Israeli government to stand behind every policy they come up with regarding the middle east. Israel in effect, is nothing but a pawn of the United States government.
The Palestinian Authority has not been as aggreeable to U.S. policies, mainly because the U.S. refuses to even negotiate with them at present. All acts of terrror are blamed on the Palestinian Authority even though most of these acts are taken "credit" for by various terrorist groups. The Palestinian Authority is far from perfect, it is corrupt, it cheats the people it is meant to serve, but this is in no way any worse than the government of Israel which at present is riddled with various scandals involving our prime minister and members of his immediate family.
My personal belief, and hopeful solutionto the present crisis is to get to know our Palestinian neighbours. Get to know them in every way, and have them get to know us. Joint cultural, sport, educational projects are a key to understanding and trust. Both of our peoples have so much in common, only personal interreaction with each other will prove that to each of us.
This is just a few of my thoughts, I'd like to continue this discussion at another time.....byt NO Sam.... there IS something you can do.... just realise that both our peoples, the Israeli and the Palestinian have rights that must be defended. No outside nation must be allowed to medle in our affairs. YOU can pressure the United States government to be fair to both sides, not just the side that owes them money.
on Jul 08, 2004
To me, you simply can't make peace with these people. They don't want peace, it isn't in their interest. I think the average Palestinian wants peace, and their hands are tied. Perhaps it isn't possible for the Palestinians to sit down with someone like Sharon, either.

Do you think the same could be said for the US government? Obviously they would benefit from peace, but they also benefit from war. As Ocean Colour Scene once sang: "There's no profit in peace boys, so we must fight some more".

There are tonnes of faiths in the world. But instead of revelling in the diversity , we bleed and kill each other. Even god would be ashamed of us. In the name of security,politics we kill each other. Why?

This reminds me of a quote:

"We have just enough religion to make us hate, but not enough to make us love one another"
By Jonathan Swift

Its such a shame but it is obviously true.

My personal belief, and hopeful solution to the present crisis is to get to know our Palestinian neighbours. Get to know them in every way, and have them get to know us. Joint cultural, sport, educational projects are a key to understanding and trust. Both of our peoples have so much in common, only personal interaction with each other will prove that to each of us.

I suppose the new wall is going to make this much harder for everyone. It might stop the suicide bombing, but the Palestinians quality of life will get worse. A sure way to cause further tension. Then, the wall will surely have to come down some day. What then? You still wont get on with your neighbours.

YOU can pressure the United States government to be fair to both sides, not just the side that owes them money.

Unfortunately, I cannot pressure the US in to doing anything. Hell, even Mr. Blair or the UN can't pressure the US in to doing anything! What hope have we when Mr. Bush seems to have no respect for the views of all non-US people. Come to think of it, does he even respect the US people’s views?
on Jul 08, 2004
So why did we think they posed such a risk recently enough to have to go to war with them a second time?

Because we thought they might manufacture WMDs and give them to terrorists. Another reason to go to war was to end the sanctions without empowering Saddam.

I do however feel that it is Israel who has to make the first move, as the greater power (mostly thanks to US aid) it needs to kick start the peace process again.

Sharon has a plan to dismantle settlements.

Surely, if Israel just gave back the land it seized in the 1967 war, it would get in return peace with its neighbors?

If only it were that simple. One reason Israel took the land in the first place was to put it in better strategic position to defend itself.

The Palestinian Authority has not been as aggreeable to U.S. policies, mainly because the U.S. refuses to even negotiate with them at present. All acts of terrror are blamed on the Palestinian Authority even though most of these acts are taken "credit" for by various terrorist groups.

Was the Palestinian Authority more agreeable when the US negotiated with Arafat? Do you seriously think that terrorist groups in Palestine would be able to operate as effectively as they do without either complicity or gross incompetence from the Palestinian Authority?

on Jul 08, 2004
Hmm. Not very constructive comments from either Helix or Madine. Why do Americans feel they always have to defend this issue? Im not blaming America for the problem, but due to their continued support of Israel over the years - and the fact that Israel use their weapons quite openly for offence, they should do something about it - not Germany.

A good reason that the rest of the world dont do anything, is that Israel has the full backing of the US. No one wants to upset you guys for obvious reasons.
on Jul 08, 2004
Ok, suppose the US demanded that Israel stop attacking Palestinians and withdraw troops and settlements to pre-1967 borders. Suppose also the US agreed to guarantee Israel protection from foreign military invasions. Assume Israel agrees to the demands.

Given those conditions, what should be done to stop Palestinian terrorists?
on Jul 09, 2004
I really dont know - hence this post. As I said earlier, I don’t wish to simply defend the Palestinians, and slate the Israelis. I am open to argument and persuasion here.

What I think is that under those conditions (withdrawal from the settlements), the rest of the world would feel much more comfortable supporting Israel. I also know that once those conditions were met, the terrorists could be separated from the rest of the Palestinians much easier.

There are a lot of "normal" Palestinians who have lost their homes and land to new Israeli settlements. If these people were to be given no reason to fight, many of them wouldn’t want to. Terrorist recruitment would be much more difficult.

The UN could be installed to help rebuild much of the war-torn Palestine, and any further attacks on Israel by Hamas (or other groups) could be treated as the terrorist threats they are, not just by Israel, but also by the rest of the world. It might also result in less financing for Palestinian terrorist support due to the lack or real moral high-ground they would then have.

Also, how do we know that the terrorism wouldnt just stop? Its a long shot I know, but hey - America has been to war over a few "long shots" lately.
on Jul 09, 2004

but not that possession of nuclear weapons is a threat to the whole world.

i hope youre able to remember expressing that phrase the day after.


on Jul 09, 2004

Sam, I would suggest reading Larry Kuperman's blogs about Israel.  I think you'd find them enlightening.


A good one to start with is The Two Jordans


on Jul 09, 2004
The UN could be installed to help rebuild much of the war-torn Palestine, and any further attacks on Israel by Hamas (or other groups) could be treated as the terrorist threats they are, not just by Israel, but also by the rest of the world.

Would that mean there would be an international force in Palestine tracking down and neutralizing terrorists?
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