Why doesnt America DO something?
Over the last few years I have chatted with several people from Israel (mostly on ICQ - though I don't use it anymore) about the conflict there with Palestine.
Most of the Israelis I have talked with have said that it isnt a big problem for them. I'm never sure weather it is because they live in the north (which most of them do) and it doesn't affect them so much, or if the Israeli media don't show what is happening on the ground, or if they are just in denial or even if they support what Israel do in the name of defense.
I have recently taken to being very cynical when it comes to the way the situation is portrayed in our media here, and am constantly confused as to who might really be "to blame" and weather either sides position may be justified. I feel that the British media is still fairly trustworthy, but as I have no other choice but to take in what I see and read, its frustrating not to have any idea as to what is really happening.
I am beginning to wonder whether Israel might just be a political / military extension to the United States. What with all the funding (loans of something like $3bn+ of US tax payers money annually which is never repaid) they receive, and with the recent "liberation" of Iraq, which has no doubt weakened the rest of the Middle East (including Syria, another long time enemy of Israel); it would seem that Israel has benefited from Gulf war II much more than the coalition.
This all sounds WAY too "conspiracy theory" for me, but the more I think about it, the more it makes sense.
Surely knowing that Israel actually HAS nuclear weapons is the most obvious threat in the middle east right now? Blocking the US finance to Israel would surely be a good move to start? Get them to decommission maybe?
I understand that Israel has many Jewish immigrants, many coming from the former Soviet Union, which it needs to provide for, but this type of aid is unheard of elsewhere. Especially seeing as that Israel ranks somewhere between 16 and 25 in the wealthiest countries in the world list - a per capita income higher than Greece or Spain, depending on where you get your information.
Is it likely that Bush (who expresses his faith openly), might actually be assisting Israel rather than spreading democracy, stability, peace, oil, money or regime change in the Middle East? I suppose it could be a case of "killing two birds with one stone".
I am still VERY naive about the subject, and I in no way condone the actions of Palestinian suicide bombers. Death of innocents is always wrong. I feel that they are their own enemy anyway, and provide Israel with reasoning for what they do.
I would genuinely like to hear anyones thoughts on what the world can do to get things back on track - not that I can really do anything to help.