A year ago our position looked forlorn, and well nigh desperate to all eyes but our own. To-day we may say aloud before an awe-struck world: "We are still masters of our fate. We are still captain of our souls." - Churchill.
Sam Edney's Articles In Current Events
July 7, 2004 by Sam Edney
Over the last few years I have chatted with several people from Israel (mostly on ICQ - though I don't use it anymore) about the conflict there with Palestine. Most of the Israelis I have talked with have said that it isnt a big problem for them. I'm never sure weather it is because they live in the north (which most of them do) and it doesn't affect them so much, or if the Israeli media don't show what is happening on the ground, or if they are just in denial or even if they support what ...
September 6, 2005 by Sam Edney
I have seen a lot of shooting going on in New Orleans. Cops shooting looters. Cops shooting gunmen. Looters shooting at helicopters!! People shooting eachother... Im sure you have seen it too. Had guns not been so readily available, would this problem have been a lot easier to resolve? Guns and of course the people who have them (either their own or ones they "looted") seem to have contributed to a lot of the problems now coming to light. Not many people really stayed to "protect"...